馬來西亞-中(zhōng)國(guó)總商(shāng)會成立于1990年,簡稱馬中(zhōng)總商(shāng)會,是個非官方、非盈利、多(duō)元種族的民(mín)間商(shāng)業團體(tǐ)。 馬中(zhōng)經貿總商(shāng)會的成立宗旨是為(wèi)了加強馬來西亞和中(zhōng)國(guó)有(yǒu)關政府機構與民(mín)間工(gōng)商(shāng)團體(tǐ)的聯系、促進兩國(guó)經貿發展與投資合作(zuò),以及維護會員的利益。 本會目前擁有(yǒu)1300名(míng)公(gōng)司會員,涵蓋貿易、制造、金融、農業、房地産(chǎn)、旅遊、教育、谘詢等行業。
Founded in 1990, Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) is a non-government, non-profit, multi-ethnic business association.
MCCC’s aims at promoting interaction, cooperation and development in trade, investment and other industrial and commercial fields between Malaysia and China as well as protecting the interests of our members.
Currently, MCCC has 1,300 corporate members, covering trade, manufacturing, finance, agriculture, real estate, tourism, education, consultation and other industries.
Following the rise of China, MCCC has become increasingly important as a platform to promote Sino-Malaysian economic and trade development. On top of forming tight cooperation with government agencies such as Malaysia Ministry of International Trade And Industry, industrial and commercial organizations, China Enterprises Association in Malaysia, we also maintain close relationship with relevant Chinese government agencies, Embassy and Commercial Counselor’s office of PRC in Malaysia, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, China Overseas Exchange Association, China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment and so on.
In addition to frequent reception of delegations from various provinces and cities in China, we also organized, co-organized or participated in commodity exhibitions, economic, trade and investment fairs and conferences in Malaysia and China, such as the Canton Fair, China-ASEAN Expo, Central China Expo, China Jilin-Northeast Asia Investment and Trade Expo, China International Fair for Investment & Trade, as well as the China Import & Export Commodities Exhibition (Malaysia) held in Kuala Lumpur.
Under the premise of creating a win-win situation, MCCC will continue our dedication to promote Sino-Malaysia economic and trade development and investment cooperation.