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The Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry

 The Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) is a non-governmental and non profit making organization. MCCI was founded in 1991 in order to develop all kinds of entrepreneurship in Moscow.
 MCCI is included in united system of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCIs) of the Russian Federation and acts according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation” and the Moscow City Law “On the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry”.
 MCCI signed Agreements on Cooperation with several Prefectures of Moscow. It has a filial in Zelenograd and local branches in North – Western, North – Eastern, South – Eastern and Northern administrative district of Moscow. Besides that, MCCI signed more than 40 Agreements on Cooperation with regional CCIs in the Russian Federation and more than 100 Agreements with foreign CCIs.
 According to Resolution of Moscow Government № 483-PP of July 13, 2004, a Regulation on interaction between Moscow Government and MCCI concerning branch and professional unions of entrepreneurs by MCCI was adopted.
 MCCI curates its professional guilds created by companies – members of MCCI on voluntary basis, as well as committees on various problems of entrepreneurship and commissions on trade and economic cooperation with foreign partners.
 Moscow entrepreneurs maintain and develop business relations through MCCI with colleagues from Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Vietnam, France, Italy, China, Korea, Brazil, Australia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Taiwan and from other countries.
 Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Moscow, Berlin, Paris, London and Peking i.e. C5 regularly carry out forums.
 The Business Council of Presidents of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of CIS countries, participants of the Common Economic Space (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine) is running.
 The Moscow Investment and Export Promotion Agency daughter company of MCCI is aimed at implementation of investment projects, creation of supporting mechanisms for Russian exporters, attractions of investments and high technologies to Russia.
 Logistic and Law Information Center is aimed at rendering information, consulting and intermediary services in sphere of logistics, providing with legal backing.
 According to Instructions of Moscow Major MCCI accomplishes voluntary passportization of Moscow commercial organizations. This measure allows enterprises to receive the certificate of “Reliable Moscow enterprise”. Besides that, the program “Moscow quality” carrying out voluntary certification of goods and services is being actively developed in MCCI.
 MCCI pays much attention to education that is why it has established International Business School.
 MCCI has its own Arbitration Court working on a permanent basis.
 On the basis of Bureau of Economic Security created in 1998 there is being developed the system of economic safety for MCCI members and business partners.

 For the current moment MCCI unites more than 2200 enterprises and organizations of small and middle sized enterprises.
 Russian commercial and non-commercial enterprises, individual entrepreneurs, as well as unions of entrepreneurs can become MCCI members. Members of MCCI automatically become members of The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
 The list of the MCCI basic services:

- Making of invitations for entrance of foreigners to the Russian Federation;
- Accreditation of foreign missions;
- Certification of the documents, concerning foreign trade activities for Russian companies;
- Search of potential partners in Russia and abroad;
- Supply with the information in sphere of foreign economic activity;
- Organization of business meetings and business trips abroad;
- Procurement of economic safety to entrepreneurship;
- Protection of industrial and intellectual property;
- Participation in exhibitions and fairs in the Russian Federation and abroad;
- Accomplishment of complex advertising campaigns;
- Accomplishment of various expertises, including those with issue of certificate of origin;
- Organization of presentations, conferences, seminars, business meetings etc. with assignation of MCCI conference halls

38/1, Sharikopodshipnikovskaya str., Moscow, 115088
Phone/fax: +7 (499) 132-07-33, 132-07-64, 132-02-10,
E-mail: extrade@mtpp.org, osvt@mtpp.org
Contact person : Mrs. Nekrasova Vera
