首頁(yè) 商(shāng)會動态 通知公(gōng)告 聯系我們


Established under the Trade Organization Ordinance, 1961 and the Companies Act, 1913 (Amended in 1994)

FBCCI, as the apex trade organization, plays a pivotal role in consultative and advisory capacity in the formulation of commercial, industrial and fiscal policies of the Government. It has been playing a very significant role in all forums of the Government and Economic Development organizations for mutual sharing of views on all vital issues concerning and affecting the national economy.

Year of Establishment : 1973

Membership Category & Number :

♦ Chamber of Commerce and Industry

A Class Chamber : 39

B Class Chamber : 31

♦ Trade and Industrial Association

A Class Association : 277

B Class Association : 06

♦ Joint Chamber

With Foreign countries : 16

Total Member Bodies : 369

Board of Directors :

President : 01

First Vice-President : 01

Vice-President : 01

Directors : 41

FBCCI Objective & Functions:

♦ To coordinate and promote the interest of its member bodies - Chambers and Commerce and Industry, Trade and Industrial Associations;

♦ To aid and stimulate investment, development of trade, commerce, industry, agriculture, tourism, human resources and communication sectors in Bangladesh;

♦ To project, encourage and safeguard the cause of the private sector through effective participation in the process of consultation and inter-action with the Government, Ministerial Consultative Committees and other inter-Ministerial bodies and agencies;

♦ To assist the Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Trade Associations in organizing Trade and Industrial Fairs at home and abroad;

♦ To collect and disseminate statistical and other information for advancement of trade and industry;

♦ To implement and organize trainings and workshops for dissemination of commercial, technical and economic knowledge for promotion of commercial, technical, industrial and scientific development in the country;

♦ To study and undertake research for promotion and growth of trade and industry;

♦ FBCCI represents the private sector in different permanent committees of the Government and autonomous bodies and maintains close relation with Overseas National Chambers of Commerce and other Trade and Industrial Associations including related economic organization;

♦ FBCCI is involved in forging strong bilateral ties between and among different countries of the world through counterpart organizations for commercial and economic cooperation. It helps promote Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) including Joint Ventures in Bangladesh and identify appropriate partners.

International Links of FBCCI

FBCCI is the member of different international bodies, such as International Chambers of Commerce (ICC), Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI), Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI) and the SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI). To boost up our economy and to increase our trade in the international arena, FBCCI maintains close communication with these International Organizations. FBCCI has Joint Chamber/Cooperation Agreement with the national trade organizations of the following countries:

Australia India Nepal Singapore
Belgium Indonesia Oman South Africa
Belarus Iran Pakistan Sri Lanka
China Italy Peru Taiwan
Cambodia Japan Philippines Thailand
Egypt Kuwait Qatar The Republic of Korea
Finland Malaysia Romania Turkey
Germany Maldives Russia Uzbekistan
Hong Kong Myanmar Saudi Arabia Ukraine

The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry has collaboration agreements with:

01. The General Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Agriculture of the Arab Countries

02. Karnataka Chamber of Commerce & Industry

03. Mizoram Chamber of Commerce of India

04. Kunming Chamber of Commerce & Industry of China

05. Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Singapore

The FBCCI has also established a Joint Chamber viz., Bangladesh India Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BICCI) in cooperation with the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry and signed an agreement of understanding with the United States Bangladesh Business Council (USBBC).
